When I said this was going to be an epic road trip, I wasn’t referring to Milwaukee to Palm Springs! In fact, I was sort of dreading this drive. All in all, I think it went about as smoothly as it could’ve. The car performed like a champ, and I cranked through it without too much pain. Although my low back would raise some objections.
Obviously, it would’ve been better for me to start somewhere closer to the Midwest rather than driving 2,000+ miles clear across the country. I did give some serious consideration to reversing my itinerary. Logistically it would’ve been better, but time of year and weather didn’t map out quite as well for many destinations. So I stuck with my original plan even though it required some additional driving up front. Once I rolled into Palm Springs I felt pretty good about my decision.

Downtown Palm Springs
Why Palm Springs? Actually, Palm Springs is the one destination on my entire itinerary that I did not actively plan to go to. It’s more of a by-product of the time of year and the destinations that are to follow. It’s still a little too early in the year weather-wise to have started at my next destination. I needed somewhere warmer as a starting point that was also within relative proximity to my next stop. So – Palm Springs!

View From My Condo
Okay – so I’m not really roughing it here! I mentioned I wanted to ease into this transition right? 🙂 What better way than a nice cushy condo within walking distance to downtown Palm Springs. I do have somewhat of a strategy about how I’m going about selecting places to stay. I will likely discuss that in the future after I’ve stayed a few more places to test if that strategy actually holds water. And I am aware that some places are simply going to be easier to find decent and affordable living arrangements. While others may require me to be a little more creative or adventurous.
Back to Palm Springs – it’s already been in the 100’s here, and will be again next week! Honestly that’s a little too hot for my liking – but hey, it was just snowing in Wisconsin last week! Bottom line, nobody needs an excuse to come to Palm Springs – it’s beautiful, it’s warm, there’s lots to do, and I’m excited to explore this area for the next few weeks.