Hiking Indian Canyons

My goal this week is simple. Get settled, rest up a little, try to establish a new routine, and find a rhythm. Meanwhile…a voice in my head is saying, “You’ve been here 2 whole days and you haven’t done anything exciting!”. I feel the need to quiet that voice, so after work today I whet my appetite hiking Indian Canyons!

This local treasure is just 3 miles outside of town. It’s comprised of 3 canyons – Andreas, Palm, and Murray. These canyons contain an unusually high concentration of natural springs that support several groves of California fan palms. It is also the ancestral home of the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians.

Indian Canyons consists of numerous hiking trails of varying lengths and difficulty, along with some horse trails. The trails close early so I had less than 2 hours to see how much ground I could cover. They even mentioned that they will tow my vehicle if I’m not off the trail by close. So I did not waste any time. I started with the Victor trail – a moderate 2.7 mile loop winding through sections of Palm Canyon. Once I finished that, I had just enough time to tack on an easy 1 mile loop in Andreas Canyon.

Today was a quick hike but it felt good to stretch my legs and take in some of the local hiking Palm Springs has to offer. Indian Canyons is literally a hiking oasis in the desert. And what a cool spot it is.