Giant Forest

Moro Rock
Even though it’s a fairly short climb, it’s not for the faint of heart. If you are at all sensitive to heights, this is not the place for you.
At the top of Moro Rock there are sweeping views as far as the eye can see. Even with a cloudy and poor visibility day like today, the vantage point from Moro Rock is impressive.

General Grant Grove
As I’m leaving Sequoia National Park I head out through Kings Canyon National Park to check out General Grant Grove.

I wanted to let the photos speak for themselves. Plus, it’s really hard for me to put into words the magnificence of this place. This is somewhere you have to see with your own eyes to believe.
I can’t think of a more enjoyable way to spend a day than in Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park with these giants. Perhaps I just enjoy spending time in a place that makes me feel small.
I also enjoy going to places with a lot of history. Some of these trees have been alive for more than 3,000 years! Makes me wonder about all the things that have changed during that time, and what these trees have experienced. And how many millions of people have come to this same place over hundreds of years, looked up, and been in awe – just like I am today.