This may only be my 3rd stop, but I consider Yosemite to be a cornerstone destination. At least it’s the place I think I’m most excited to see. When I said I don’t have much of a plan and it could backfire, I was referring to Yosemite.
Reasons My Plan Sucks
- Its Memorial Day weekend
- It’s Yosemite on Memorial Day weekend
- I have no reservations for any type of lodging or camping
- It’s Memorial Day weekend
“What are you nuts!? You’re going to one of the most popular national parks on one of the busiest holiday weekends? And then to do it without any reservations and think you’re going to magically find somewhere to stay?” – My Inner Voice
Awful plan, right? Actually, so far that isn’t even a plan. That’s just me literally doing nothing. I did look at making reservations months ago, and they were either booked, or what was left was just outright crazy expensive. Thats when I hatched a plan and just sort of blindly believed it would all work out.
I could always stay somewhere outside the park of course, maybe an hour or so away, but that’s definitely not the experience I’m looking for. Cue Camp 4.
Camp 4
If you have Netflix, I recommend a documentary called Valley Uprising. This film chronicles the birth, history, and evolution of rock climbing in Yosemite. Even if you aren’t interested in rock climbing, it’s pretty fascinating. And Camp 4 was at the epicenter of it all.
So even though I’m not a rock climber, what better way to have the most immersive and authentic Yosemite experience than to camp in legendary Camp 4.
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” – Henry David Thoreau
So What Is Camp 4 Exactly?
Camp 4 is one of the only first-come first-serve campgrounds in Yosemite. The camp is serviced by a nearby ranger station, which opens every morning at 8:30. If there are campsites available and you show up and want to camp, you get in. If it’s full you’re out of luck. Every day people leave and new people fill any vacancies. Simple as that.
The Problem?
It’s very popular and most days there’s a line of people wanting to get in even before the ranger station opens. Many people waiting in line get turned away everyday. Holiday weekends like Memorial Day, it’s even more difficult.
My Plan
Since I’m putting all my eggs in the Camp 4 basket – I plan to arrive at 5 am, 3 1/2 hours before the ranger station opens. That’s it! That’s my plan. What could go wrong!?
My prior day included driving 5 1/2 hours from Palm Springs to spend the day hiking and exploring Sequoia National Park. Then driving another 2.5 hours, ultimately crashing at 11 pm at a hotel an hour outside Yosemite. It was a very long day! So I sleep for a few quick hours, get up at 4 am, drive into Yosemite, and arrive at Camp 4 around 5:30. I’m late.

Fast forward 3 hours…I’m in!! I can’t believe that worked out (I mean…yeah, that was my plan all along!). Though not once did I consider what I would do if it didn’t. Blind faith.
The registration process shockingly took another couple hours. In addition, before we could setup our campsites the park ranger gave us some instruction. We were warned to keep all food and any scented items in food lockers at all times. Animals in the area, including bears, can be pretty aggressive about scavenging for food.
The ranger also stated that squirrels and raccoons know how to unzip your tent at night. Wait…What!? Seriously!? Now I’m not afraid of squirrels or raccoons, but if I hear one of them unzipping my tent in the middle of the night I’m gonna freak out. Just saying.
Now is also the time I should point out that I like the thought of camping, but almost never do it. In fact, I think I’ve used my tent once. Now here I am for the next 4 days – but I’m excited and ready.

It’s approaching noon and I’m finally all setup and ready to live deliberately. But first, I need a nap!
Lower Yosemite Falls
I can’t simply setup camp and do nothing the remainder of the day. I’m excited to be here, so I check out an easy nearby hike to Lower Yosemite Falls.

I’m exhausted from the previous 48 hours and don’t want to push myself too hard today. I head back to camp, eat dinner, and knock off early. Tomorrow is another very BIG day.